Saturday, January 23, 2016

Rejected Man

Under a full moon and lowered sky
The earth moves
And the moon sweeps the ground.
I am a proud and rejected man
That speaks her name in prayer.
I know the grammar of loneliness,
These feelings that are more than strong.

Nursing my wounds;
Clumsy words fall apart
Not to be spoken
Not even in dreams.

I fling open my arms,
Hands full of dust,
Stiff and swollen fingers,
Tired and wrinkled face,
Crooked yellow teeth,
A social balance of anger.
Too tired to want anything else,
I think about her until
I wear out my thoughts.

I will try to put a little light
In my mind.
I want the world to see me
As I should be;
Skipping and jumping,
Slipping and sliding,
It doesn't matter,
I'm still the same
The nights are lonely
Without her.